Okay, let's get this straight. i'm disabled & play a lot of games. Any games that startswith MADE WITH UNlTY, forget it. You have to watch a million ads and never get themoney. They owe me close to $20000. Any games that force you to go into the "hall"aka "games", are mimicking the legit apps and won't pay. Any games that promisesabove $100 are also fake, unless they are bingo/gambling and then you pay to play. Ofthe legit l've seen so far PAGSMlLE goes first. l have collected $30 from Mistplay so farthey have others. Rewardify is usually legit, pay close attention to the tasks. l alsoplayed Just Play, immediate cash out, you can build your withdrawal amount, cash outevery 3 hours, under $2 goes to your Amazon account, when l reached $23 though lhad trouble making even $1. Also Survey Junkie -(Pagsmile has a survey one too;Google Pagsmile and get the list); once you find the surveys right for you and get yourrewards to 500 pts (1pt=1 cent) $5, you can cash out. it goes to Pay Pal immediately.About 97% of the games are fake. They also have games like Rich Farm with a L=%, soyou have 100 but at 1% you only have a penny to withdraw. Those are not worth, youmake roughly 1cent/ 15-20 hours. The last thing to watch for is having to pay totransfer your rewards. lt's BS and a fraud, don't pay and immediately sign out anduninstall.